What We Do


— Our Mission

Our main goal at Asma Community Group is to further enhance the lifestyles of the ethnic minorities within our communities in advocacy, education, employment, and housing needs.

— Vision

To deliver thriving communities to all London boroughs by amplifying social and financial aid, for a more culturally diverse London. 


— Our Services

We provide employment assistance, case managements, a housing advocate as well as an upcoming youth initiative. Our end goal is to ensure that all individuals become fully integrated into their societies.

— The Challenges

Housing presents a special challenge due to large family size, language barriers, and lack of understanding of local housing practices. This results in overcrowding, evictions, complaints about fair housing practices

— Funding

Our funding is through donors like you, Governmental Agencies etc.

A help to those who need it

Each donation is very essential

Your generous contribution will enable us to keep fighting for the health, education and financial stability and successful settlement of members of our community. No amount is too small.

How A.C.G provides help for people

Social Integration

At the A.C.G, we equip all people with the skills necessary to integrate into their respected communities. This is achieved by adapting communication skills, enhancing group task engagements and implementing essential values to all clients.

Youth Initiative

We seek to provide youth with positive British values, while retaining their identity, increase their self-determination and confidence, overcome language, culture and psychological barriers. 

Case Management

Our supportive case managers coordinate with families in need, to link them to services that further develop their social and financial life. We make connections to other non-profit programs as well as constant contact with local MPs and councils to ensure this goal.

Summer Youth Employment Program

At A.C.G, we hold a yearly program which allows teens and young adults understand the working environment. The program is determined to introduce the working life to the future generations of our communities.


A.C.G supports entrepreneurship through partnerships with community organizations that offer assistance to immigrants striving for financial independence and cultural identity.


Volunteers are a vital part of ACG’s strategic plan to help children and families in our area. Every time you volunteer, you will leave knowing that you have assisted to provide connection and hope for the community at Asma Community Group. If you are interested in volunteering with us please sign the volunteer form below and we will get in touch with you.

What We Care For!

The Aim of Asma Community Group in Brent

The cultural diversity of Brent inspires many to migrate towards the borough, such as individuals from lower income countries. This is aided by the low cost of living index combined with  low housing cost and increasing job opportunities for entry level workers, has made Brent an attractive economic beacon. Furthermore to add to this, Brent possess the freedom for cultures to diversify as people can experience different innovations that they may not have been previously exposed to.

Socially, many people seek a welcoming atmosphere to express their beliefs and culture, which ultimately increases the diversity within the communities they reside in. Even though relatively new to the area, many members of the ethnic minorities own businesses such as restaurants, shops and other services, introducing new styles and cuisines to the overall diverse London.

Local schools and universities have modified student activities and curriculums to embrace and make different presences known by the mainstream area. This includes creation of student groups and distinct literature into school media and publications. To aid this effort, we have worked with vulnerable groups to enrol in educational institutions to benefit from some of these efforts. The staff at Asma Community Group constantly guide them through the process of filing and processing the documentation required for enrolment.

The economic impact of ethnic minorities increase the derivative to enhance the different sectors of the world, ranging from providing exotic foods, flavours, fabric and other items unique to their culture and experience. Their close communal connections foster business-to-business support among their enterprises and help their businesses thrive. The Asma Community Group supports entrepreneurship for any groups through partnerships with community organizations that offer assistance to individuals and communities striving for financial and social independence. 

Case Management

At Asma Community Group, we handle all our cases with compliance as well as towards confidentiality regulations. We facilitate and coordinate communication between organizations handling housing, legal, education, and employment to settle thorny issues and increase understanding between a settlement.

The Asma Community Group helps families’ sign up for housing aid, which is a sector most individuals find hard to navigate. Our staff help co-ordinate the housing application process and act as a bridge to the housing support organizations by providing language services and technological assistance to applicants. Many beneficiaries owe their success applications due to our interventions.


Forming and sending applications to educational institutions has been difficult to some of our clients, such as uninformed parents. Our main goal in the education sector is to bridge the gap and provide information and assistance to achieve this objective. We also provide after school programs as well as English as a second language training to older clients.


Language and cultural barriers hinder assimilation into the British work sector. To overcome that we provide job search techniques, resume writing, proper interview etiquette and basic computer skills, for our clients to improve their chances of securing a job. We facilitate small business creation by providing resources such as funding, documentation help and financial literacy.  Overall, our main aim is to ensure all groups can incorporate new skills to ensure a successful working life

Our Partners